Sharing | Giving | Receiving
We have a number of people, of all ages, who are involved in shaping the worship on a Sunday. Practices are fortnightly on Wednesday evenings. This is an intentionally open group, seeking to grow and develop the next stage worship singers and musicians, with services through the year where we enable younger ones, and those learning, to share in leading the worship on Sundays, growing and building confidence in serving God’s people in the midst of worship.
This group also includes those who provide audio-visual support on Sunday mornings.
If you would like to explore your gifts, and come along to the practices, or speak to us about helping with audio-visual work, please get in touch with
Missions - ACTS 1.8 PROJECT
here & there witnessing
Identify & enable local and global projects of witness that as a church we can engage with, financially support, and learn from, across set periods.
Working towards a total yearly funding available for projects to be set at 10% of budget. Determination of supported projects at open round-table for church in late Spring/Pentecost each year.
You can come into this team for any or all of these stages. If you are aware of specific projects which you think we could support as a church, please get in touch. Please get in touch with
Ministry of Small Things
This is an evolving approach to being attentive to each other, caring across the family of the church, through practical acts and care for each other in ways that may seem small but are really the most important things, about being seen, and noticed, and heard and cared for.
We are still working out how best to do this, but if you want to share in this ministry, which is underway in many unannounced, unplanned and unseen ways every week, then please speak to Derrick.
‘Tak tent o’ sma’ things’
We have a prayer team available through Sunday mornings, who also provide prayer support for any at any point – contact Derrick.
We look at prayer as ways of changing ourselves, our church and our communities, bringing our own fragility and brokenness to a God of new creation, hope and joy.
You can head to our page on prayer at
Get in touch for more details and the next prayer event through
We have a team of people who are involved in providing a welcome to you on Sunday mornings, some helping around the entrance hall and others providing teas, coffees and refreshments. If you would like to share in this welcoming role and come into the rotas for it, please speak to any of the welcoming team or send a note through to