Gathering to worship - online & onsite


We gather together to worship, from 11am-12midday, weaving together worship within the sanctuary with zoom participation and livestream options.

You will be able to see the form of our services through previous livestreams available through our social media platforms. We meet together across the first part of the service and then there are groups and activities for our younger ones, from creche through to teens, structured in collaboration with Cathcart Youth Ministry Partnership.

We will regularly share in communion together within the service. For now, we provide bread and wine in small cups for you to take up yourself, and you are welcome to do so, in prayer. We know that communion can carry many different emotions for people and you are welcome also to simply rest in the invitation and grace of God in these moments, without taking the bread and wine.


During 2020-2022 we developed new ways of connecting online, through livestream and zoom, and we have committed to developing these now as crucial opportunities to share with us. Many, for different reasons, are finding this helpful. Link details are sent weekly through email or available in your app 'MyChurchsuite' if you have that downloaded and have signed in. Links are also available to our livestream through our social media platforms. Please let us know if you would like these links sent to you each week.

Both zoom and livestream share the same video/audio provision. In zoom you will have the opportunity to speak to others within zoom before and after the service. On occasions we draw in (with pre-warning!) participation from some of those in zoom into the sanctuary onsite service, to help keep weaving our church family together, whichever route you may choose to join through.

During the week subsequent to the service, a podcast of the message will be available through our social media channels. There are links to these below. These podcasts will continue to be available, while the Sunday services themselves will be unavailable after a period of around three weeks.

Video and audio podcasts are available direct through the 'MyChurchsuite' app - please go to 'podcasts' within the app.

Information about the livestream/zoom cameras & safeguarding is available here.

There is also an opportunity to pray together on Sundays, through zoom, from 9.30-10am, again, please get in touch if this would be helpful to you.
